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NO SHAVE NOVEMBER 3 Steps to Getting Started

Ok, so we’re well into NO SHAVE NOVEMBER and you’re at home on the couch, trying to figure out how you can join the movement that so many men have already started. Be not discouraged Beardsman! Below are 3 steps to assist with prepping you for the days and weeks ahead.


You thought you were done with zits in your teenage years, but unfortunately adult acne can pop up whenever your pores are clogged, so it’s not uncommon to break out during your 20s, 30s, and even 40s. Wash your face twice a day with a cleanser that contains glycolic acid to get rid of poor-clogging dirt and bacteria.

Once or twice a week, use our FUEL BEARD WASH to slough away the outer layer of dead skin cells. Our Beard Wash has sulfate and paraben free ingredients that do the digging. In short, refresh the palette.


The key to a successful beard-growing effort is commitment. Whether you want to grow a full-on Mammoth beard or a simple after-eight shadow, do some research on the lady ticklers you admire most, but be honest about what will actually look good on your face—and the amount of work you’re willing to put into it. The artist-style beard will call for daily oiling and occasional trimming, whereas the simple grizzly look requires a daily washing technique. This is not a simple decision, so consult those who matter the most to you, and most importantly...commit to the beard.


Once you’ve figured out the the style that’ll take residence on your face, assess your medicine cabinet to see if you have all the necessary grooming tools. We recommend our products of course, but you will need to make sure you have a few other items as well. Pick up one of our Wooden Beard Combs. Stay away from plastic combs as they produce static electricity and stunt facial hair growth. There is a stage at the beginning of your beard growing process where you must feel like you wanna rip your face off from the itching and scratching. You need to order some of our CRUDE OIL. CRUDE is an Ultra-rich, lightly whipped, all-over moisturizer that dramatically hydrates, soothes and nourishes dry skin. It’s enriched blend of 100% Pure Coconut, Jojoba, and Essential Oils combined with Shea Butter will result in instant moisture and shine. Talk to your barber about what chemicals you should use on your face and hair. If you don’t have a barber FIND ONE.

In short, growing your beard for NO SHAVE NOVEMBER is a great step. A step for mankind and for cancer awareness, so we commend you. The journey will not be the same for every beardsman, but know that you have us as a support system. If you have any questions, or want to leave feedback on the products you’ve ordered from us to support your quest, please feel free to write to us on the contacts page of our site. Although we cannot grow the beard for you, we CAN grow it with you…

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